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Current Document Icon 1. Licence Registration
Document Icon 2. Selecting
Document Icon 3. Reviewing basket selections
Document Icon 4. Providing an address
Document Icon 5. Providing an Instance Id
Document Icon 6. Checkout
Document Icon 7. Receiving licenses
Document Icon 8. Registering licenses

Licence Registration

Licence registration is the process of obtaining and registering a licence for use with a Solid Fluid application. The licence registration process is inextricably linked with application installation. We detail here, in a step by step manner, how to select, purchase, and register a licence with your new Solid Fluid Application.

In a general sense this process is fairly straightforward. One simply selects a licence for the application which is suitable for their need. More than one licence can be purchased at a time. Each licence chosen is added to a shopping basket. In the shopping basket it may be necassary to provide an Instance Id for the licence depending on the type of licence you choose. Once you are satisfied with your choices, and the shopping basket is satisfied that you have provided sufficient information, it is possible to "check out".

During checkout you will be guided offsite to our credit card provider, who will take your credit card details, and compare them with the name and address you provided us. Assuming that the credit card provider is satisfied with these details, we then receive authorisation from the provider. We let the provider know that the transaction has completed, and they deduct funds from your credit card.

We then build an e-mail, and a dispatch note where physical goods must ship, which get the licenses and any goods to you. All of our electronic licenses, are distributed by e-mail attachment, unless you buy a "boxed product" in which case the licence ships with the software, in the box.

Once you receive the licenses by e-mail, you can save them to disk and install them into your application. Depending on the feature set allowed by the electronic licence, more or less of the features will be unlocked for a given application.

Copyright © Solid Fluid 2007-2025
Last modified: SolFlu  Thu, 24 Sep 2009 15:52:53 GMT