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Current Document Icon Solid Fluid Memory Manager
Document Icon 1 Purpose & Scope
Document Icon 2 VMM Outline
Document Icon 2.1 BasicOperation
Document Icon 2.2 VFreeList & VFreeLUT
Document Icon 2.2.1 FreeList
Document Icon 2.2.1 VFreeLUT
Document Icon 3 VMemMgr

Solid Fluid Memory Manager - VMemMgr

VMemMgr [VMM], is a simple ANSI C style memory manager implemented as a group of C++ classes. The primary function of these classes is to provide a performance (speed) improvement over memory management functions typically provided by most operating systems.

In the simplest form the module provides the generally known functions; alloc, realloc and free. The module requires the provision of similar functions, usually from (but not limited to) the operating system. It optionally requires the provision of a mutex style protection scheme, compulsory where an application requires the capability to pass information through VMM, and between threads or processes asynchronously.

The module is available, under agreement, as C++ source code. In its own right it produces no specific software of hardware exceptions, and is consequently easy to treat as a “black box”. The source can be included directly into other C++ source code, provided as pre linked object, or a dynamically linked module.

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Last modified: SolFlu  Fri, 05 Jun 2009 22:32:47 GMT